Sunday 2 May 2010

2010 needs to slow down...

Is 2010 THE fastest year or what. Soo much has/is happened/happening there's barely time to draw breath. It feels like only yesterday I was popping a cork in the name of new year...
new year so new job new attitude new life in that order I said. And I did it. And bloody quickly as well. I'm probably partly to blame for the speed of this year. Always wishing away time to hurry up and get to the next event is wrong. epicenjoyment is in reflection more than the moment, at the moment. need new brake pads for car and life. Next port of call, voting. That I'm going to enjoy.
It's time for change, in every sense of the word. Scrap this and defo scrap that because it was rubbish, old fashioned and didn't work back then let alone today. Overhaul please.

ps can summer hurry up, what the hell is taking it so long

Sunday 3 January 2010

Yesterday and Today's Tomorrow

Mr Brown claims to have our interests (the general public) at heart,
fiscal this and monetary policy that but does he or any politician really
The gap between the general public and the politicians is greater
than ever and doesn't appear to be closing.
Secondhomegate confirmed the naivety of politics and the showed
all the exact mindset of every politician.
Some of the claims were outrageous going on extraordinary,
all paid for by hard-working individuals (the general public).
Do we need them, do they warrant a wage, is this a dictatorship or democracy... common sense
needs to prevail, and soon.
Far too much of our money is being spent on an undercurrent class which labour would never admit
exists. Tax the hard-working, reward the lazy. It's simply what they're doing and it's non-sense.
It's no longer the poor and needy, working, middle and upper class, there's one that's manifested
into a class in its own right, they are the "can't be bothered" elite.
Wedged in between the poor and needy and working,
this class are being paid for their lack of ambition, laziness and disgusting attitude.
Why millions of pounds of taxpayers money is being thrown at these people I will never understand.
Something has to be done about it though. And soon.
Would Cameron and co continue to fund their "free" good times.
Who knows.
Something's gotta give though as continuing in this mould will plummet this country
further into recession.
Cut immigration and this welfare state mentality otherwise depressed times are all we as a
nation will have to look forward to.

Monday 17 August 2009

The Rise and Stumble….? The Rise and “Continued Growth” of the Arctic Monkeys more like.

Humbug is exceptional; it’s moody, refreshing, and temperamental and sounds like nothing else out there – as did every other release of theirs. They have stretched the boundaries once again and I can’t get enough of it. It’s so different to everything, lyrically and musically. And WILL grow on you. I hope that first listen of Humbug doesn’t alienate the hardcore following. The latest batch of songs don’t jump out at you like the early demo’s, they lurk, stalk and prowl with a much more devastating effect.

You need Humbug in your life.

Wednesday 12 August 2009

Prescott vs Hannan

This has caught my attention and was a great distraction from the first half escapades of English footballers in Holland.

The anticipation of this pending war of words, or key presses? is too much for me. Who will come out on top... An old experienced war horse, or a young and surprisingly polished rookie?

I literally cannot wait for this to materialise, not only is Hannan taking on "two jags", he's alienating himself even further, from Cameron and the entire NHS and co. Should be more than interesting.

Prescott/@gofourth must think Christmas has come early.